Former Pfizer Employee: "Checkmate. Game over. We WIN"

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, sits down with Del Bigtree to give his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against #Covid19 and, in particular, the extreme danger it poses to young people:
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Ex Pfizer vice president Dr.Michael Yeadon and lawyer Dr.Reiner Fuellmich summarizing: Yeadon & Fuellmich's 
Corona Investigative Committee: 

...' that whatever the virus is, it's a respiratory problem. Whatever attacks us as a respiratory virus is usually being fought off by our immune system because if it enters through the nose or through the throat, that's where it gets caught. However, if you inject the most poisonous part of the virus and that's the spike protein, directly in to a person's arm, that, sort of, circumvents our immune protection and (Yeadon: 'absolutely').. makes the whole thing extremely dangerous because.. and it sounds to me, Mike, it sounds to me though that the breakthrough infections that we're seeing now, are really not breathrough infections, but rather results of the injections . . ."