The harvesting & trafficking of body-parts from late-term abortions,
involving Planned Parenthood* and Kamala Harris**

* is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health care in the United States and globally.
** potential Vice-President of the USA, whom you may have voted for . . .

Double-click on pic for David Daleiden video allowing a few seconds for loading
Once you've watched this, you may understand what it really means to 'abort' a faetus,
a human
embryo after the 8th week of gestation after conception.

David Daleiden on Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood

David Daleiden: Planned Parenthood is trying to destroy me - ENN 2019-01-18

Undercover video claims Planned Parenthood sells fetal organs

Planned Parenthood Admit Under Oath to Illegally Selling Fetal Body Parts